Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birnbach Communications' Top Predictions for 2012, Part 8

Here's Part 8 of our predictions:

The press release will not die in 2012.  Companies still need press releases to communicate news about the company. Twitter is good as a kind of short broadcast of news, but tweets get lost on the timeline – whereas press releases can easily be posted on a corporate newsroom, which is important from an SEO perspective and to demonstrate the company is still alive.  Additionally, reporters, who are overworked (they’re now creating multimedia stories on a daily basis), continue to rely on press releases for content. However, organizations must understand that they can’t rely on a press release alone.  They need to think about new ways they can distribute their news, including infographics, data-and-graphics mashups intended to compellingly present information.

Let us know if you agree or disagree. And check back tomorrow for additional predictions.

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