Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Birnbach Communications' Top Predictions for 2013, Part X

Ongoing stories we’ll see covered in the media, Part I.  
Each year we provide a list of stories the media will continue to cover, which include: 
  • The implementation and implications of Obama care: What works, what doesn't; why it will take years to achieve its goals, why it won't achieve its goals; how healthcare delivery systems need to be revamped -- whatever your political beliefs and personal experiences, you can bet that you can see it expressed in an op-ed article somewhere and then countered by letters to the editor.
  • Gun control laws: Another very hot button political issue that will continue to generate coverage throughout the year. Also expect that reform of our mental health system to get a lot of coverage. (What hasn't received coverage to date is that part of the reason the mental health system was dismantled in the 1960s and 1970s was due to costs, not just abuses against patients in the system. The costs and privacy issues related to mental health reform should generate some coverage in 2013.) 
  • Deficits, spending cuts, taxes, etc.: As with healthcare, expect that editorial and op-ed pages as well as political radio and TV shows will be littered with opposing perspectives of the steps the country should take. Debate may be worthwhile but don't expect Congress to be any less dysfunctional. 
  • Made in the USA: bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US. As costs in India, China, Russia and Brazil increase, expect that the benefits out offshore outsourcing may decline enough to make it more attractive to bring some manufacturing back home. Look for stories about small manufacturers whose business is growing as a result. 
  • Cybercrime and cyberwarfare: We said this was a growing issue in 2012, and we maintain that's the case for the rest of the decade. There will be a lot of articles about China as a source for cyberespionage and policy articles about how the U.S. should protect itself from its largest creditor. Expect regular front-page coverage about the latest exploits against the U.S. and U.S. companies. A big concern: our security and intelligence agencies don't have enough trained personnel to protect against and prevent cyber attacks against the U.S. and American businesses; and they lack the resources to fully identify and prosecute cybercriminals. We also expect to see a rise in the number of stories about cyberstalking and “revenge porn,” where jilted exes post incriminating (and often false) information as a way to get back at former spouses, lovers, and friends. 
  • Privacy: Usually to be filed as Facebook and privacy, and what consumers should do to protect their privacy. But, despite the recent news that Kim Kardashian is quitting her reality show because she's ready to keep some aspects of her life private, expect two things: 1) Kardashian and boyfriend Kanye West will not keep photos of their soon-to-be born baby under wraps; and 2) Most of the rest of us will continue to abridge our own privacy by posting comments, updates and photos on a growing range of social media platforms.
  • Let us know if you agree or disagree. Check back tomorrow for additional predictions or click here for Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII ("Premature Deathwatch, Part I") Part VIII ("Premature Deathwatch, Part II") or Part IX ("Premature Deathwatch, Part III").

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